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Most of the sermons and talks given during our Sunday services are available here. The recordings include the relevant Bible reading in most instances. If it is a recent talk you can simply scroll down the list on the left, or if you want a particular date click on the appropriate month on the list to the right.


You can also try typing a key word in our simple Search engine. Examples you can use are the speaker’s name, Bible book (e.g. John, Chronicles), or topic (, gospel, truth). Please note it helps to keep the search parameter as simple as possible (e.g. to find 1 Corinthians 13 enter Corinthians and then scroll down the list). Also many of the older archive recordings have our two Bible readings on them even though the sermon is usually based on only one. Do keep looking - perseverance will be rewarded!

Dec 26, 2010

Michael Peach am 26 December 2010

Sermon series: St Stephen's Day - 1

Acts 7:51-60 & Matthew 10:17-22 read by Peter Burton & Anne Butler.

Michael talks on St Stephen the first Christian Martyr.

Playing time: 25 minutes.

Dec 25, 2010

Stephen Bowen pm 24 December 2010

Sermon series: Christmas Morning - 1

Luke 2 1-14 read by Hanna Jones & Jane Jones.

Stephen's Christmas Morning talk the Lamb of God and the Jesus the Good Shepherd.

Playing time: 12 minutes.

Dec 24, 2010

Stephen Bowen pm 24 December 2010

Sermon series: Childrens Carols - 1

Luke 2;8-12 & John 3;16 read by Richard Poole & Lexie Chadd.

Stephen's talk during the Children's Carol Service

Playing time: 10 minutes.

Dec 19, 2010

Michael Peach pm 19 December 2010

Sermon series: Take Jesus seriously - 1

Luke 1:36-35,38 & Isaiah 9:6-7 & Luke 2;1-7 read by Karen Hoy, Jim Farrant & Brenda Wilkinson.

Michael provides four reasons why we should take Jesus seriously

Playing time: 18 minutes.

Dec 19, 2010

Andy Brown am 19 December 2010

Sermon series: Parables for Advent - what Jesus taught about his return - 4

Romans 2:1-11 Mt 25:31-46 read by Di Giles & Barbara Cottier.

Andy Brown closes our advent series with the parable of the sheep and goats

Playing time: 26 minutes.