Dec 27, 2009
Don Ely pm 27 December 2009 Sermon series: Evening Service -
1 1 John 5:1-12 read by Chris Ely. Don Ely talks on how
John's letter provides confidence in our Christian Faith
Playing time: 24 minutes.
Dec 27, 2009
Andy Brown am 27 December 2009 Sermon series: The word of
life - 1 1 John 1v1-4 read by Peter Williams. Andy Brown
starts to talk about the word of life
Playing time: 22minutes
Dec 24, 2009
Stephen Bowen 4pm 24th December 2009
Luke 2:1-18 read by Jill Matson. Followed by Stephen's talk on
Past, Present and Future.
Playing time: 11 minutes
Dec 20, 2009
John 1:43-51 read by Maureen Reynolds. Followed by Andy's sermon on this seris on The Word became flesh.
Dec 20, 2009
Mike Nevill 6.30pm 13th December 2009
Tree of Light Service
Our Tree of Light
service gave an opportunity to celebrate the lives of those people
who cannot be with us and at the same time support the work of St.
Catherine's Hospice.
Playing time:...