Jun 30, 2019
James Clarke AM30Jun2019
Sermon series: Guest Service - 1
Luke 14:15-24
read by Phil Tadman.
James Clarke talks on Guest Service
Playing time: 27 minutes.
Jun 23, 2019
Andy Brown AM23Jun2019
Sermon series: Beneath Belief - -
Romans 4:1-25
read by Carol Bagshawe.
Andy Brown talks on Justification: Counted as righteous
Playing time: 29 minutes.
Jun 16, 2019
Don Ely PM16Jun2019
Sermon series: Beneath Belief - 1
John 3:1-15
read by Alison Heath.
Don Ely talks on New Birth: to be reborn
Playing time: 23 minutes.
Jun 16, 2019
Luke Markham AM16Jun2019
Sermon series: Beneath Belief - 1
John 3:1-15
read by Valerie Stone.
Luke Markham talks on New Birth: To be reborn
Playing time: 26 minutes.
Jun 9, 2019
Mark Francis AM09Jun2019
Sermon series: The Gospel - 1
Isaiah 53:1-12
read by Maureen Reynolds.
Mark Francis talks on The Gospel: Substitution for sinners
Playing time: 28 minutes.