Apr 27, 2009
Stephen Bowen 6.30pm 26thApril2009
Ruth the Moabitess - 2
Ruth 1:6-22 read by Anne Butler and followed by the second sermon of an evening series looking at the Book of Ruth.
Playing time: 25 minutes
Apr 27, 2009
Andy Brown 10.00am26thApril 2009
The Meeting st the well - 2
John4:16- 26 read by Marion Baker followed by the second sermon of a morning series looking at John 4.
Jesus' disciples were amazed to find him in conversation with a Samaritan woman- it is a conversation that reveals a great deal about Jesus' purposes and...
Apr 20, 2009
Stephen Bowen 6.30pm 19th April 2009
Ruth the Moabitess - 1
Ruth 1: 1-5 read by Alistair Matson.
The first of an evening series looking at the Book of Ruth.
Playing time: 22 minutes
Apr 20, 2009
Stephen Bowen 10.00am 19thApril2009
The meeting at the Well- 1
John 4: 1-15 read by Sally Hobbs.
The first of a morning series looking at John 4
Jesus' disciples were amazed to find him in conversation with a Samaritan woman- it is a conversation that reveals a great deal about Jesus' purposes and priorities.
Apr 13, 2009
Andy Brown 6.30pm 12thApril2009
Acts 10: 34-43 read by Rona Bingham and followed by Andy's Easter sermon to our evening congregation looking at this passage.
Playing time: 21minutes.