Mar 25, 2012
Andy Brown PM 25 March 2012
Sermon series: Lent evening - 5
Psalm 22:1-11 & Matthew 27:27-44
read by Jenny Young & Joan Bateman.
Continuing our Lent evening service series Andy recounts the mockery and crucifiction of Jesus.
Playing time: 26 minutes.
Mar 25, 2012
Don Ely AM 25 March 2012
Sermon series: Lent - 4
Leviticus 16:1-34 & Mark 15:33-39
read by Elaine Short & Ray White.
Don continues our morning Lent preparation with Christ our atonement
Playing time: 27 minutes.
Mar 18, 2012
Captain Mark Dadds PM 18 March 2012
Sermon series: Lent evening - 4
Deuteronomy 21:1-9 & Matthew 27:11-26
read by Janet Blake & Lis Woolley.
Captain Mark Dadds of the Church Army asks What shall I do, then, with Jesus who is called the Messiah?
Playing time: 22 minutes.
Mar 18, 2012
Michael Peach AM 18 March 2012
Sermon series: Mothering Sunday Family Service - 3
John 10:7-16
read by James Grimwood.
Michael talks at the Mothering Sunday Family service, The Good Shepherd.
Playing time: 13 minutes.
Mar 11, 2012
Don Ely AM 11 March 2012
Sermon series: Lent - 2
Exodus 12:1-13 & Exodus 12:14-30
read by Daphne Ayerst & Maureen Reynolds.
Don talks at the morning service on Christ our Passover
Playing time: 24 minutes.